In honor of our 12-Year Anniversary we are asking all of our friend's to join our #12for12Pledge!
Here's what a few of our volunteer friend's had to say about My Friend's House Foundation.
What's the #12for12Pledge?
The #12for12Pledge is a financial commitment that you are pledging $12 for 12 months (or 1 year) toward My Friend's House Foundations efforts to develop more programs for the less fortunate in the areas of job placement, including but not limited to, resume writing, computer skills classes, interview strategy, interview etiquette & so much more.
We believe that knowledge is power, and with it
comes understanding and growth. Ultimately, we want to do as much as we can to help as many less fortunate individuals get back in the work force and off the streets.
How does my contribution help?
In order to make a difference, we rely on the support of generous individuals and businesses in our community. We would be most grateful if our friend's would consider making the commitment to our #12for12Pledge or providing a donation of $145 to our organization to help us reach our goal of $12,000.
How can I stay updated?
Your support is critical to the completion of our latest project, and we will gladly keep you updated regarding our progress through weekly blogs on our website. If you have subscribed to our site you will receive weekly notifications to your email that remind you to checkout the latest project update.
Does my contribution count towards my taxes?
Yes, should you pledge today and make your first donation of $12 will be deducted for the month of December, which totals $12 for 2020. The remaining balance of $128 will be counted towards next years (2021) tax return due to the monthly pledge of $12 being taken out each month until December 2021.
However, should you make the complete contribution of $145 the entire amount will be deductible as a tax write-off for the 2020 tax return. You will receive a digital copy of the tax documents 48 hours after your donation has been received.
Are you ready?
watch our quick how to make the pledge video below